Cleanse – Exofliate – Extract – Hydrate – Infuse – Glow
Are you reading to glow? The Skin Center’s Hydro Facial treatment could create an instant glow! The Hydro Facial is a aqua skin resurfacing treatment which integrates vacuum extraction, exfoliation, hydration and iontopherisis (serum infusion). The procedure uses hydro tips as a method of exfoliating the skin.
The treatment is pain free suitable for all skin types, it treats hyperpigmentation, dry/dehydrated skin, sun damaged, congested skin. Great for enlarged pores, fine lines and wrinkles.
How does the Hydro Facial work?
Cleanse + Peel
Remove dead skin cells to uncover a new layer of skin with gentle exfoliation and relaxing resurfacing
Extract + Hydrate
Deep cleanse of skin surface and remove debris from pores with painless suction. Nourish with serums.
Infuse + Protect
Delivery of condition-specific serums deep into the skin, saturating the skin’s surface with nutrients, antioxidants and peptides to maximize your glow
£85 – 1 hour treatment